Prior to application for registration, the share capital must be stipulated in the Articles and all shares must be subscribed. 在申请注册登记前,在公司章程中必须载明股本额,并且所有股份必须认购完毕。
The State Council or the securities regulatory authority authorized thereby shall approve an application for listing of shares which meets the requirements prescribed herein; and shall not approve any application which fails to meet the requirements prescribed herein. 国务院或者国务院授权证券管理部门对符合本法规定条件的股票上市交易申请,予以批准;对不符合本法规定条件的,不予批准。
The application by issuers to the bourse for the listing of initial public offerings, shares newly issued after the listing and the convertible company bonds, and the application for recovered listing after the suspension of listing the company's shares shall be recommended by recommendation agencies. 发行人向本所申请其首次公开发行的股票、上市后发行的新股和可转换公司债券在本所上市,以及公司股票被暂停上市后申请恢复上市的,应当由保荐机构保荐。
In one month subsequent to the complete of the transfer of shares, stock exchanges and the sd& c shall not accept the application submitted by the transferee for the registration of shares transfer, unless otherwise prescribed in laws or regulations. 股份过户完成后一个月内,证券交易所和结算公司不受理同一股份受让人就其所受让的相同股份再次进行转让的申请;但法律法规等另有规定的除外。
The application form for temporary custody of shares; 股份临时保管申请表;
Application for name pre-approval signed by all the shareholders of the limited liability company or by all the promoters of the company limited by shares; 有限责任公司的全体股东或者股份有限公司的全体发起人签署的公司名称预先核准申请书;
If an application for the supplementary issue of a replacement share certificate is made without the consent of a shareholder registered in the share ledger who holds the relevant shares, the company shall post a copy of the public announcement to be published to the shareholder concerned. 如果补发股票的申请未得到有关股份的登记在册股东的同意,公司应当将拟刊登的公告的复印件邮寄给该股东。
If the shares are acquired by a listed company and transferred by shareholder through the method of publishing information of the shares transfer, an application for a temporary storage shall also be submitted for the scheduled transferring shares. 涉及上市公司收购及股份持有人通过公开股份转让信息方式转让股份的,股份持有人还应当申请将拟转让的股份予以临时保管。